Upper Deck SPX Hockey 22/23 Hobby
Upper Deck SPX Hockey 22/23 Hobby
5 Cards per Pack
1 Pack per Box
20 Boxes per Case
• The 200-card Base Set features 100 star veterans and 100 rookies - all numbered to 299! The parallel lineup is deep and loaded with chase cards. In addition to returning favorites such as the Auto, Auto Patch (low-#’d) and 1-of-1 Auto Premium Memorabilia parallels, there are also all-new Colored Holofoil (#’d to 149), Radiance (#’d to 100), Grand Finale (#’d to 50) and NHL Shield Die-Cut Hologram (#’d to 25) parallels.
• The Radiance FX insert set returns! This set sports a checklist featuring top active stars and rookies on a unique design with Light FX and acetate! Keep an eye out for numbered parallels as well as the all-new Blue (#’d to 499) and low-#’d Purple Auto parallels.
• The redesigned Hologram Shadow Box cards feature brilliant Spectrum Light FX and an acetate top sheet. The set features both veterans and rookies, and is a must-have for any collection. Be on the lookout for all-new Gold Spectrum (#’d to 99) and Black Gold (#’d to 10) parallels!
• Add more top rookie and star veteran autograph cards to your collection via the all-new Auto Holographs and Holochamps insert sets. Look out for the low-numbered Red Holo, Gold Holo and Blue Holo (#’d 1-of-1) parallels of each set.
• The exceptional serial-numbered & hard-signed UD Black Pride of a Nation Auto Patch set consists of top rookies and established superstars alongside a manufactured flag patch (birth country). Lucky collectors will pull a 1-of-1 Spectrum parallel.
• Much to the delight of collectors, UD Black Lustrous RPA cards are back! Each of these rookie cards features a hard-signed autograph and a premium memorabilia swatch! Everyone should be on the hunt for the low-numbered Clarity Variant cards & 1-of-1 Spectrum parallels of both the regular and Clarity Variant sets.
(on average)
Autograph Card
Memorabilia and/or Tech Cards
Content, including the stated checklist #’ing, card #’ing and ratios, is subject to change without further notice. Additionally, this list may not contain all cards available in the product as there could be unannounced cards.
Autograph Memorabilia Cards
Card #’ing/Ratio
Base Set - Patch Auto Parallel Varied #’ing
Base Set - Auto Premium Memorabilia Parallel #’d 1-of-1
Base Set Rookies - Auto Patch Parallel Varied #’ing
Base Set Rookies - Auto Premium Memorabilia Parallel #’d 1-of-1
Rookie Auto Jersey (Tier 1) #’d to 375
Rookie Auto Jersey (Tier 2) #’d to 175
Rookie Auto Jersey (Tier 3) #’d to 75
Rookie Auto Jersey - Spectrum Parallel (Tier 1) #’d to 65
Rookie Auto Jersey - Spectrum Parallel (Tier 2) #’d to 35
Rookie Auto Jersey - Spectrum Parallel (Tier 3) #’d to 25
Rookie Auto Patch (Tier 1) #’d to 35
Rookie Auto Patch (Tier 2) #’d to 25
Rookie Auto Patch (Tier 3) #’d to 15
Rookie Auto Patch - Spectrum Parallel (Tier 1) #’d 1-of-1
Rookie Auto Patch - Spectrum Parallel (Tier 2) #’d 1-of-1
Rookie Auto Patch - Spectrum Parallel (Tier 3) #’d 1-of-1
SPx Signature Fabrics (Tier 1) #’d to 49
SPx Signature Fabrics (Tier 2) #’d to 25
SPx Signature Fabrics (Tier 3) #’d to 10
SPx Signature Fabrics - Spectrum Parallel (Tier 1) #’d to 25
SPx Signature Fabrics - Spectrum Parallel (Tier 2) #’d to 10
SPx Signature Fabrics - Spectrum Parallel (Tier 3) #’d to 5
SPx Signature Fabrics Patch (Tier 1) #’d to 10
SPx Signature Fabrics Patch (Tier 2) #’d to 5
SPx Signature Fabrics Patch (Tier 3) #’d to 3
SPx Signature Fabrics Patch - Spectrum Parallel (Tier 1) #’d 1-of-1
SPx Signature Fabrics Patch - Spectrum Parallel (Tier 2) #’d 1-of-1
SPx Signature Fabrics Patch - Spectrum Parallel (Tier 3) #’d 1-of-1
UD Black Lustrous Rookie Auto Patch (Tier 1) #’d to 125
UD Black Lustrous Rookie Auto Patch (Tier 2) #’d to 7
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